Helping Healthcare Services Organizations Stand Out from the Noise.

Deliver better experiences while enrolling, engaging, and retaining consumers more effectively and with less burden on your organization.

Each step along the journey to better health is filled with decisions—we’ll help you determine which one is best for each of your members.

Our number one challenge is getting the right message to the right person at the right time. In the past, when I worked at Amazon, we used propensity models to enable this more robust targeting of marketing messages and saw significant increases in conversion rates! Now, I want to bring those results to healthcare.”

Justin Vanning

VP, Growth

Solutions Built to Tackle Healthcare Services’ Most Difficult Growth Challenges


Consumer Enrollment

Drive enrollment and activation for your programs with evidence-based models built for your population. Convert members faster with individualized campaigns.



Discover interventions that could benefit your population based on clinical data and patterns, engaging consumers in new programs sooner and encouraging action.

Increase enrollment rates

Speed up the conversion from enrollment to activation

Deliver better consumer experiences from first contact

Consumer Retention

Identify inactive and at risk consumers, and take action to prevent churn before it happens. Increase usage and improve member satisfaction.

Pinpoint and sort at-risk consumers

Deploy personalized nudges to keep consumers engaged

Lower churn with a scalable strategy

Clinical Engagement

Identify characteristics sooner that would benefit from additional programs

Deliver nudges for new programs at the right time

Engage consumers in more than one aspect of your program

Do More, Faster

Build from Scratch
Build with Radiant Graph

Protect Proprietary Models & Insights

Simple Data Ingestion & Enrichment

Speed to Launch with Best-In-Class Models

Lower Cost to Launch, Iterate, & Maintain

Built on Scaled Healthcare Expertise

Integrations with Product & Marketing Stack

We’re all healthcare consumers.

Find out how RadiantGraph is helping healthcare organizations supercharge their personalization.